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SomniFix Mouth Strips

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$6.25 / week

Total: $24.99

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$4.66 / week

Total: $71.97 $55.97

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3 months

$4.23 / week

Total: $311.87 $219.97

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12 months

- 1 +

28 Strips = 4 Weeks

Running is a simple way to keep stress levels down and boost your health. But what if the addition of one simple tool could help you perform better, run longer, and even sleep well? Mouth tape does just that by promoting stress-busting nasal breathing that helps your body operate at an optimal level.
New year, new you! Why not make this the year you become a master of great sleep. Uncover five ways to set yourself up for high-quality, restful sleep night in and night out. After all, achieving those new year's resolutions starts with being healthy and energized.
It seems too simple that just taping your mouth can really lead to any noticeable improvements in your health. But what if we told you that it could? Mouth taping is one of the most simple and affordable changes you can make to your life to boost your health and sleep quality. Click here to discover mouth tape.
Getting a good night’s sleep with a CPAP machine seems near impossible. Until now! Discover how our customer, Steve, went from CPAP frustration to CPAP nirvana by building SomniFix into his nightly routine.
As an athlete, you probably think frequently about how training, diet, hydration, sleep, and rest help you perform. But have you ever give much thought to your breathing? Discover how to optimize your breathing and use The Bohr Effect to take your endurance and physical fitness to new heights.
If you’re training hard, it seems unlikely that your nose can help you reach your athletic goals. But in reality it can have profound benefits, thanks to The Bohr Effect. Uncover how to use the Bohr Effect to level up your endurance and physical performance.
There are two types of sleep tape: nose tape and mouth tape. So which one is the superior choice for promoting nasal breathing and helping you breathe through congestion? Is one type of strip better than another for stopping snoring in its tracks? Let's dive in. 
:A blocked nose makes you wish you hadn’t taken the sweet, easy feeling of breathing for granted. On top of that, it’s actually extremely hard on your body and mind to be unable to breathe through your nose. While you’re praying for relief, there are luckily a few things you can try to clear a stuffy nose while sleeping.
Mouth breathing isn’t charming. Worse than that, it puts a huge strain on your mental and physical health. Nose breathing is much better for your body and mind. This is thanks largely in part to nitric oxide, which the body produces when nasal breathing. Discover the wonders and benefits of nitric oxide!
During periods of physical exertion, your muscles need all the oxygen they can get. And while blood oxygen level ranges from 95 to 99 percent, the delivery of that oxygen depends on the CO2 levels in the body. Nose breathing is the best way to safely increase CO2 levels in the body and boost performance.
Unfortunately modern day lifestyle has turned many of us into chronic mouth breathers. Why is this a problem? Well, mouth breathing can lead to a string of harmful health problems since the mouth doesn’t filter the air in the same way the nose does. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest concerns with mouth breathing.
If you’re experiencing problems with erectile dysfunction, the anxiety associated with it can be just as difficult to deal with as the condition itself. Luckily, there is a simple trick to cure ED quickly, without any drugs.
