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problems with mouth breathing at night

Why you Should Stop Mouth Breathing at Night...and How to Do it

“What is causing my mouth breathing at night?”

There are a number of reasons why someone may be mouth breathing at night. If an individual is suffering from nasal congestion as a result of an allergy or illness, comfortably breathing through their nose can prove to be difficult. Or, they could simply have an anatomical anomaly that’s creating an airway obstruction, such as a deviated septum. But more often than not, mouth breathing at night simply becomes a person’s default method of breathing after experiencing some sort of obstruction early on in life. It’s a habit that, until recently, has be difficult to break – but there many good reasons why you should try. And we’re here to help you do succeed at it.

Mouth breathing at night sets off a chain reaction of physiological imbalances that can impact physical health in many different ways. Keep reading to discover why this habit is so dangerous and how you can stop mouth breathing at night in just one simple step.

mouth breathing at night

“Why should I stop mouth breathing while sleeping?”

As humans, we are designed to breathe through our noses. Mouth breathing is available as a backup option for situations where it is necessary. For example, when the nose is clogged during illness, or during intense physical exertion when more rapid respiration is required. However, in most situations, nose breathing is much more beneficial for our systems. Sleeping is no exception as there are many issues associated with mouth breathing at night. Let’s get into a few of them here. 

1. Mouth breathing can be detrimental to your sleep

Mouth breathing is a leading cause of worsened quality of sleep. Have you ever heard of the “relaxation response”? More formally known as “parasympathetic activation,” it’s a physiological response that helps sleepers achieve and maintain deep sleep by slowing breathing rate, relaxing muscles, and reducing blood pressure. And one way of activating it is by nasal breathing. Alternatively, when you mouth breathe at night, your chance of activating this response is reduced, and so are your chances of quality sleep. 

Mouth breathing while sleeping also leads to discomforts such as dry mouth, sore throat, and nasal congestion. It’s common for mouth breathers to find themselves frequently waking up for sips of water throughout the night and the subsequent visits to the restroom. Speaking of disruptions, let’s discuss the biggest one of them all: snoring.

mouth breathing at night causes snoring

2. Mouth breathing can trigger snoring

Ahh…snoring. Whether you are a snorer, or you just share your bed with one, it’s definitely no fun for anyone. Mouth snoring occurs when the mouth falls open, causing the jaw to drop and the tongue to fall backward. This creates an obstacle at the top of the airway that prevents air from being channeled through the nose and instead leads to mouth breathing and open mouth snoring. The result? Many sleepless nights for you and your partner.

3. Mouth breathing can lead to poor oral health 

As we mentioned, one of the issues most commonly associated with mouth breathing at night is dry mouth. Normally, saliva washes bacteria from the mouth. However, when saliva production decreases as a result of mouth breathing at night, bacteria and acid remain in your mouth, leading to cavities, tooth decay, and bad breath. Dry mouth is also a leading cause of gum disease, which can lead to heart disease and other serious health issues. Make your dentist and your doctor happy by switching to nose breathing while you sleep.

the problems with mouth breathing at night

4. Mouth breathing can affect your digestive system

Research has shown that chronic mouth breathing while sleeping causes the human system to become more acidic. This can affect digestion and our ability to absorb nutrients in our gut. Excessive mouth breathing has the potential to lead to aerophagia, a condition that occurs when someone regularly swallows a lot of air. The air passes from the stomach into the small intestine, resulting in abdominal bloating and pain as well as excessive burping.

5. Mouth breathing can lower your energy levels

We’ve already established that mouth breathing causes poor sleep, and poor sleep at night leads to tired days. However, there’s another reason why this bad habit can cause decreased energy. Simply put, when you take in oxygen through your nose, it passes over your mucous membrane and into your sinuses. This allows nitric oxide, which your body needs for your heart and blood vessels, to be produced. By mouth breathing, you are denying your body of this valuable gas, and your blood may not always get the oxygen it needs to function the way it should. 

stop mouth breathing at night with Somnifix

“I want to know how to stop mouth breathing at night! What do I need to do?”

You’ve come to the right place. Mouth breathing while sleepingis a physiological flaw that is not easily corrected in sleep. But if you’re committed, you’ll be able to quickly see results and finally experience the great sleep you’ve been chasing for so long. The solution? Just three simple words: Close. Your. Mouth.

As we previously explained, during sleep, the jaw drops, and the tongue falls backward. This creates an obstacle at the top of the airway that disrupts nose breathing and incites mouth breathing and open-mouth snoring. When the mouth is closed, however, the tongue rests against the roof of the mouth and the jaw does not drop, leaving a clear passage in the respiratory airway for nasal breathing.

Nasal breathing is far superior to mouth breathing at night for a number of reasons. Amongst them is improved oral hygiene, reduced snoring and discomforts, and the enhancement of overall health. 

Now, you’re probably wondering, “How on Earth do I keep my mouth closed while I’m asleep?” Glad you asked! It may sound a bit strange, but mouth taping is the most effective method for stopping mouth breathing at night and promoting nasal breathing instead.

stop mouth breathing at night

Closing your lips with specially-designed tape or strips at night will allow your body to channel air through your nose in order to optimize your breathing patterns. Even while you aren’t fully conscious. The result? Deeper sleep, quieter nights, and better days.

“How can I safely tape my mouth closed?”

Here at SomniFix, we’ve developed a mouth strip that was designed specifically for this purpose. Our single-use strips are made for lips and have been extensively biocompatibility tested to ensure that they will not cause any irritation or leave residue behind. With a filtered breathing vent that allows for limited oral airflow and hands-free removal, they are the only safe device for mouth taping currently available on the market.

stop mouth breathing at night with SomniFix Strips

SomniFix Mouth Strips are also latex-free, gluten-free, and hypoallergenic. Learn more about SomniFix and purchase your first box here. Great sleep awaits!

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