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SomniFix Mouth Strips

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$6.25 / week

Total: $24.99

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$4.66 / week

Total: $71.97 $55.97

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3 months

$4.23 / week

Total: $311.87 $219.97

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Save 30%

12 months

28 Strips = 4 Weeks


If you can’t seem to get to sleep when you want to or find yourself waking up several times throughout the night, you’re one of many adults who suffers from insomnia. No single thing can explain sudden insomnia, butseveral unexpected causes may becontributing to your lack of shut-eye. For example, eating too many fatty foods close to bedtime may shift your digestive system into overdrive, making sleep difficult to achieve. Alcohol induced insomnia can keep you awake due to the rebound effect alcohol has on sleep quality, while alcohol withdrawal insomnia is common in heavy drinkers. Changing up your medications – even down to the dosage amount – is known to cause insomnia. Early pregnancy is notorious for disrupting sleep, too, so tell your health specialist if you have a tough time falling asleep after finding out you’re expecting. Beyond that, unknown sleep disorders like sleep apnea could be to blame for your late nights, as symptoms can be subtle and difficult to detect.
  • 6 min read
Bad dreams are distressing. When you wake up from a bad dream, like dreaming of fire, you’re likely thankful that it wasn’t real. However, dreams can also be so happy that we feel we never want to wake up. Sometimes they’re just outright strange, like when you try to run in a dream and your legs feel like they’re weighed down with cinder blocks. Whether they’re good or bad, dreams might help us prepare for the future. More specifically, distressing or embarrassing dreams help simulate threats and protect our brains to be better prepared to deal with them in real life. But when the distressing dreams start to disrupt sleep altogether, they begin to do more harm than good by causing sleep deprivation. Those who have experienced traumatic events may relive them involuntarily in their dreams each night, which only causes even more mental anguish. So what purpose do dreams truly serve?
  • 7 min read
Food is fuel. It makes sense that the quality of our health is reflected in the quality of foods we choose to eat. But did you know that the foods you eat are directly tied to how you sleep? Some foods are known to irritate sleep, while others are known to help us fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. In patients with sleep disorders, nutrition may even be part of their treatment plan. Certain sleep apnea diets may help to manage the disorder, along with the use of a CPAP machine, for example. We’ve rounded up five foods that help with sleep that you can munch on before bed whether you suffer from an official sleep disorder or not. And some of the foods proven to boost sleep may surprise you!
  • 5 min read
Having sleep apnea doesn’t mean you have to suffer. Multiple treatments can improve your quality of life by relieving the symptoms of the disorder. Without proper treatment, sleep apnea can be deadly. Choosing a treatment that works for you is a journey, but we’ve gathered several popular sleep apnea treatment options to help you explore which one is right for you. Understanding what sleep apnea is is the first step in selecting the right treatment. From there, you must identify and learn about the type and severity of the disorder you suffer from. Finally, you can select a treatment option with your sleep specialist and continue to adjust it accordingly.
  • 6 min read
It’s no secret that many adults have a hard time getting the quality shut-eye they need. With our stressful lifestyles, a consistent night’s rest is a necessity for keeping our health in check. However, millions of adults suffer from at least one sleep disorder. Among those, sleep apnea is the most common. Once diagnosed, is sleep apnea a condition that you’re bound to suffer from forever? Or can it be cured? The answer, although tricky, may surprise you -- and is largely dependant on which type of sleep apnea you specifically have. No matter the type you suffer from, multiple treatment options are available to help reduce symptoms, boost your quality of life, and improve your sleep quality over time. 
  • 5 min read
Cleaning: it’s a part of everyday life, but sometimes it’s a hassle to accomplish. That’s why we’re all on the hunt for cleaning hacks, accessories, or products that can help us clean more efficiently and effectively in less time. The same can be said for sleep apnea sufferers and their CPAP machines. If you don’t clean your CPAP mask, tubing, hoses, and water tank, you’re breathing in harmful bacteria that leads to illness. Daily cleaning is a requirement to ensure that your CPAP therapy doesn’t do more harm than good. That’s why we’ve rounded up the top five CPAP mask cleaners that will help you clean your equipment thoroughly and easily.
  • 5 min read
Millions of people suffer from sleep apnea and the majority go undiagnosed. If left untreated, sleep apnea can be fatal. The condition is associated with health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. However, the most commonly prescribed form of treatment (CPAP) is often discontinued due to discomfort. Thankfully, sleep apnea treatment without a CPAP is possible. Lifestyle changes may improve mild sleep apnea while custom dental appliances and alternative airway pressure treatments may help moderate to severe cases. In some instances, surgery may be helpful. You don’t have to be tied to a CPAP for life. Find the treatment option that will work best for you and get a better handle on your quality of life, sleep, and health.
  • 5 min read
A large number of Americans suffer from sleep apnea. Many go undiagnosed or give up on treatment, which can be detrimental to one’s health. Sleep apnea leads to periods of shallow breathing or periods where breathing stops altogether. As a result, oxygen levels in the blood can reach dangerous lows. Over time, low oxygen causes a multitude of health problems, including an increased risk of cardiac arrest (or even death). That’s why it’s so important to treat sleep apnea consistently and efficiently. Your sleep quality (and life) literally depend on it.
  • 4 min read
As many as half of all sleep apnea sufferers stop using their CPAP machines due to uncomfortable masks and clunky equipment. Luckily, there are less invasive, low-profile mask alternatives on the market. However, if you’re a mouth breather, your doctor likely won’t recommend them. Or you’ll be stuck wearing a chin strap along with your new mask. Mouth breathing not only disrupts sleep, it puts your health at risk. Nasal breathing, on the other hand, helps the body function like a well-oiled machine. Mouth tape creates a proper lip seal that is non-invasive and comfortable to help you nasal breathe all night long. Best of all, you can use it in combination with your CPAP for improved sleep, comfort, and peace of mind.
  • 4 min read
If you deal with sleep apnea, you may think that an uncomfortable CPAP mask is simply a part of your condition that you have to learn to accept. However, uncomfortable sleep with a cumbersome mask doesn’t have to be the norm. There are low-profile options on the market with a natural fit that allow you to move comfortably as you sleep. The least invasive of these is a CPAP nose pillow, which rests gently under the nostrils. This type of fit is especially helpful for side sleepers who toss and turn throughout the night. Before you suffer through another unbearable, sleepless night, look into whether or not a CPAP nose pillow is right for you and your needs.
  • 4 min read
Tired of a leaky mask or waking up with pressure marks and rashes from your CPAP machine? Luckily, there are many CPAP alternatives out there so that you can find the combination that works best for you. You may need to try out a different kind of CPAP machine or even a different style of mask. If your full face mask is bothersome, you may need a nasal mask or pillow.
  • 5 min read
