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SomniFix Mouth Strips

Number of weeks:

$6.25 / week

Total: $24.99

1 month

$4.66 / week

Total: $71.97 $55.97

Save 22%

3 months

$4.23 / week

Total: $311.87 $219.97

Best deal
Save 30%

12 months

28 Strips = 4 Weeks


Human beings are supposed to breathe through our noses. Our mouths are just a backup. Mouth taping keeps your mouth shut when you sleep, which can greatly improve your overall quality of life in some very important ways.

  • 01.

  • Better Quality Sleep

Nasal breathing is necessary to produce nitric oxide, the body’s super molecule (see more at #6 below). It also helps you fall asleep easily and stay asleep longer by promoting your body’s natural relaxation response:

Slower breathing rate

Relaxed muscles

Reduced blood pressure

  • 02.

  • Wake Up Refreshed

Sleeping with your mouth closed makes you feel more rested and refreshed. That’s because mouth breathing is a major cause of discomforts that disrupt sleep or make you miserable in the morning.

Dry mouth

Sore throat

Nasal congestion

  • 03.

  • Be a Better Bed Partner

Mouth snoring is the worst snoring. Just ask your partner. The good news? Switching from mouth to nose breathing reduces snoring by 72% - which means better sleep for both of you.

  • 04.

  • Oral Health

Mouth breathing at night reduces saliva production and harms the oral microbiome. Nose breathing can help reduce all sorts of oral health issues:

Teeth grinding (bruxism)

Gingivitis & gum disease

Tooth decay & cavities

Misaligned teeth in children

  • 05.

  • Improved Digestion

Chronic mouth breathing causes the human body to become acidic, affecting digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Plus, if you swallow too much air, it can cause uncomfortable bloating, pain, and excessive burping.

  • 06.

  • Higher Energy Levels

One of the coolest things that nasal breathing can do is produce nitric oxide in the body. Producing more of this super molecule can lead to big health changes:

Wider blood vessels for more oxygen throughout the body

Lower blood pressure and heart rate

Better heart, brain, and sexual function (really!)

Improved immune system

Better mood & lower stress

  • 07.

  • Better CPAP/BiPAP experience

CPAP and BiPAP machines that treat sleep apnea are much more effective and comfortable when you breathe through the nose. That means you’re more likely to use it every night, which is excellent news for anyone with sleep apnea.

The Simple Answer:
SomniFix Sleep Strips

So how do you stop mouth breathing at night?

Close. Your. Mouth.

That’s easy enough when you’re awake, but when you’re asleep your mouth can fall open automatically.

That’s why we developed SomniFix Sleep Strips. It’s a gentle, effective, and easy way to keep your mouth closed, even when you’re asleep.

Gentle & High Quality

Years of research went into the patented design of SomniFix strips. The best of the best, our mouth strips have been extensively tested to be safe and gentle for your skin so that you can rest easy.

Latex free


Dermatologically Tested

Made in the USA

Clinically Proven Results

Promote nasal breathing

Improve CPAP compliance



Improve sleep


Mouth Taping Is Easy

4 simple steps to close your mouth to

prepare your body for better sleep.


Wash and dry

your lips


Separate your SomniFix strip from its liner


Line up the hole with the middle of your lips


Apply SomniFix strip to closed lips

Mouth Taping Is Changing
Thousands of Lives

”As a result of using SomniFix strips on my mouth I am consistently getting a daily score between 97 to 100 on my CPAP Resmed AirSense 10. My throat is far less dry from sleeping with my mouth closed. “

- Gene M.

“I wear these on flights so I don't embarrass myself with the snores”.

- John V.

“Simple but effective in stopping snoring and dry mouth. Have more energy in the morning.“

- Patrick M.

“I’ve been using Somnifix for many months now, and am so happy to wake in the morning well rested and without horrible dry mouth. They are what my sleep doctor ordered as a supplement to my BiPAP.”

- James W.

“Since I have been using the strips (7 months now) I sleep hours without any interruption and I wake up feeling so rested and my energy level has skyrocketed and it lasts all day. I have been told by my son and my sister that I DO NOT snore at all.

- Joseph B.

Enjoy Great Sleep,
All Your Long  

4-Week Pack  

Try SomniFix for a month & see

how your life changes

X 28 Days

$23.99 USD

12-Week Pack  

A season’s worth of blissful rest

and 22% savings

X 84 Days

$71.97 USD

$55.97 USD

52-Week Pack  

Our best deal. Enjoy a year of

better sleep and save 30%

X 364 Days

$311.87 USD

$219.97 USD

Try the 7 Night Challenge & See for Yourself  

If you’re still on the fence about this

whole mouth-taping thing, we get it!

That’s what our 7 night challenge is for. Ifyou don't love your sleep in 7 nights, we'llgive your money back – guaranteed!

As Seen In

As Seen In


Human beings are supposed to breathe through our noses. Our mouths are just a backup. Mouth taping keeps your mouth shut when you sleep, which can greatly improve your overall quality of life in some very important ways.

  • 01.
  • Better Quality Sleep

Nasal breathing is necessary to produce nitric oxide, the body’s super molecule (see more at #6 below). It also helps you fall asleep easily and stay asleep longer by promoting your body’s natural relaxation response:

Slower breathing rate

Relaxed muscles

Reduced blood pressure

  • 02.

  • Wake Up Refreshed

Sleeping with your mouth closed makes you feel more rested and refreshed. That’s because mouth breathing is a major cause of discomforts that disrupt sleep or make you miserable in the morning.

Dry mouth

Sore throat

Nasal congestion

03.Be a Better Bed Partner

Mouth snoring is the worst snoring. Just ask your partner. The good news? Switching from mouth to nose breathing reduces snoring by 72% - which means better sleep for both of you.

04.Mouth Taping is Good for Oral Health

Mouth breathing at night reduces saliva production and harms

the oral microbiome. Nose breathing can help reduce all sorts

of oral health issues:

Teeth grinding (bruxism)

Tooth decay & cavities

Gingivitis & gum disease

Misaligned teeth in children

05.Improved Digestion

Chronic mouth breathing causes the human body to become acidic, affecting digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Plus, if you swallow too much air, it can cause uncomfortable bloating, pain, and excessive burping.

06.Higher Energy Levels

One of the coolest things that nasal breathing can do is produce nitric oxide in the body. Producing more of this super molecule can lead to big health changes:

Wider blood vessels for more oxygen throughout the body

Lower blood pressure and heart rate

Better heart, brain, and sexual function (really!)

Improved immune system

Better mood & lower stress

07.Better CPAP / BiPAP experience

CPAP and BiPAP machines that treat sleep apnea are much more effective and comfortable when you breathe through the nose. That means you’re more likely to use it every night, which is excellent news for anyone with sleep apnea.

Introducing Your Best Sleep Yet

Getting your best sleep ever is as simple as closing your mouth and breathing throughyour nose. SomniFix mouth strips gently hold your mouth shut so you can sleep deeplywith fewer interruptions and wake up refreshed and full of energy to tackle the day ahead.

More Restful Sleep

Sleep deeper and stay asleep longer

Reduced Snoring

Sleep deeper and stay asleep longer

CPAP Compliance

Sleep deeper and stay asleep longer

Bye-Bye Dry Mouth

Sleep deeper and stay asleep longer

The Simple Answer:
SomniFix Sleep Strips

So how do you stop mouth breathing at night?

Close. Your. Mouth.

That’s easy enough when you’re awake, but when you’re asleep your mouth can fall open automatically.

That’s why we developed SomniFix Sleep Strips. It’s a gentle, effective, and easy way to keep your mouth closed, even when you’re asleep.

Gentle & High Quality

Years of research went into the patented design of SomniFix strips. The best of the best, our mouthstrips have been extensively tested to be safe and gentle for your skin so that you can rest easy.

Dermatologically Tested


Latex free

Made in the USA

Clinically Proven Results

Promote nasal breathing

Reduce snoring

Improve CPAP compliance

Improve sleep quality

7 Reasons to
Stop Sleeping
with Your
Mouth Open

Human beings are supposed to breathe

through our noses. Our mouths are just

a backup. Mouth taping keeps your mouth

shut when you sleep, which can greatly

improve your overall quality of life in some

very important ways.

Mouth Taping Is Easy

4 simple steps to close your mouth to prepare your body for better sleep.


Wash and dry your lips


Separate your SomniFix strip from its liner


Line up the hole with the middle of your lips


Apply SomniFix strip to closed lips

Helping Thousands
Sleep Better

”As a result of using SomniFix strips on my mouth I am consistently getting a daily score between 97 to 100 on my CPAP Resmed AirSense 10. My throat is far less dry from sleeping with my mouth closed. “

- Gene M.

“I wear these on flights so I don't embarrass myself with the snores”.

- John V.

“Simple but effective in stopping snoring and dry mouth. Have more energy in the morning. “

- Patrick M.

“I’ve been using Somnifix for many months now, and am so happy to wake in the morning well rested and without horrible dry mouth. They are what my sleep doctor ordered as a supplement to my BiPAP.”

- Vonna R.

“Since I have been using the strips (7 months now) I sleep hours without any interruption and I wake up feeling so rested and my energy level has skyrocketed and it lasts all day. I have been told by my son and my sister that I DO NOT snore at all.

- Hilda A.

As Seen In

Enjoy Great Sleep All Year Long

4-Week Pack

Try SomniFix for a month & see how your life changes

x  28 NIGHTS

$23.99 USD

12-Week Pack

A season’s worth of blissful rest and 22% savings

x  84 NIGHTS

$71.97 USD

$55.97 USD

52-Week Pack

Our best deal. Enjoy a year of better sleep and save 30%

x  364 NIGHTS

$311.87 USD

$219.97 USD

Try the 7 Night Challenge
& See for Yourself

If you’re still on the fence about this whole mouth-taping thing, we get it! That’s what our 7 night challenge is for. If you don't love your sleep in 7 nights, we'll give your money back – guaranteed!


Human beings are supposed to breathe through our noses. Our mouths are just a backup. Mouth taping keeps your mouth shut when you sleep, which can greatly improve your overall quality of life in some very important ways.

01.Better Quality Sleep

Nasal breathing is necessary to produce nitric oxide, the body’s super molecule (see more at #6 below). It also helps you fall asleep easily and stay asleep longer by promoting your body’s natural relaxation response:

Slower breathing rate

Relaxed muscles

Reduced blood pressure

  • 02.

  • Wake Up Refreshed

Sleeping with your mouth closed makes you feel more rested and refreshed. That’s because mouth breathing is a major cause of discomforts that disrupt sleep or make you miserable in the morning.

Dry mouth

Sore throat

Nasal congestion

  • 01.
  • Better Quality Sleep

Nasal breathing is necessary to produce nitric oxide, the body’s super molecule (see more at #6 below). It also helps you fall asleep easily and stay asleep longer by promoting your body’s natural relaxation response:

Slower breathing rate

Relaxed muscles

Reduced blood pressure

03.Be a Better Bed Partner

Mouth snoring is the worst snoring. Just ask your partner. The good news? Switching from

mouth to nose breathing reduces snoring by 72% - which means better sleep for both of you.

04.Mouth Taping is Good
        for Oral Health

Mouth breathing at night reduces saliva production and harmsthe oral microbiome. Nose breathing can help reduce all sortsof oral health issues:

Teeth grinding (bruxism)

Tooth decay & cavities

Gingivitis & gum disease

Misaligned teeth in children

05.Improved Digestion

Chronic mouth breathing causes the human body to become acidic, affecting digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Plus, if you swallow too much air, it can cause uncomfortable bloating, pain, and excessive burping.

06.Higher Energy Levels

One of the coolest things that nasal breathing can do is produce nitric oxide in the body. Producing more of this super molecule can lead to big health changes:

Wider blood vessels for more oxygen throughout the body

Lower blood pressure and heart rate

Better heart, brain, and sexual function (really!)

Improved immune system

Better mood & lower stress

07.Better CPAP / BiPAP experience

CPAP and BiPAP machines that treat sleep apnea are much more effective and comfortable

when you breathe through the nose. That means you’re more likely to use it every night,

which is excellent news for anyone with sleep apnea.

Introducing Your Best Sleep Yet

Getting your best sleep ever is as simple as closing your mouth and breathing through

your nose. SomniFix mouth strips gently hold your mouth shut so you can sleep deeply

with fewer interruptions and wake up refreshed and full of energy to tackle the day ahead.

More Restful Sleep

Sleep deeper and stay asleep longer

Reduced Snoring

Sleep deeper and stay asleep longer

CPAP Compliance

Sleep deeper and stay asleep longer

Bye-Bye Dry Mouth

Sleep deeper and stay asleep longer

The Simple Answer:
SomniFix Sleep Strips

So how do you stop mouth breathing at night?

Close. Your. Mouth.

That’s easy enough when you’re awake, but when you’re asleep your mouth can fall open automatically.

That’s why we developed SomniFix Sleep Strips. It’s a gentle, effective, and easy way to keep your mouth closed, even when you’re asleep.

Gentle & High Quality

Years of research went into the patented design of SomniFix strips. The best of the best, our mouth

strips have been extensively tested to be safe and gentle for your skin so that you can rest easy.

Dermatologically Tested


Latex free

Made in the USA

Clinically Proven Results

Promote nasal breathing

Reduce snoring

Improve CPAP compliance

Improve sleep quality

7 Reasons to
Stop Sleeping
with Your
Mouth Open

Human beings are supposed to breathe

through our noses. Our mouths are just

a backup. Mouth taping keeps your mouth

shut when you sleep, which can greatly

improve your overall quality of life in some

very important ways.

Mouth Taping Is Easy

4 simple steps to close your mouth to prepare your body for better sleep.


Wash and dry your lips


Separate your SomniFix strip from its liner


Line up the hole with the middle of your lips


Apply SomniFix strip to closed lips

Helping Thousands Sleep Better

”As a result of using SomniFix strips on my mouth I am consistently getting a daily score between 97 to 100 on my CPAP Resmed AirSense 10. My throat is far less dry from sleeping with my mouth closed. “

- Gene M.

“I wear these on flights so I don't embarrass myself with the snores”.

- John V.

“Simple but effective in stopping snoring and dry mouth. Have more energy in the morning. “

- Patrick M.

“I’ve been using Somnifix for many months now, and am so happy to wake in the morning well rested and without horrible dry mouth. They are what my sleep doctor ordered as a supplement to my BiPAP.”

- Vonna R.

“Since I have been using the strips (7 months now) I sleep hours without any interruption and I wake up feeling so rested and my energy level has skyrocketed and it lasts all day. I have been told by my son and my sister that I DO NOT snore at all.

- Hilda A.

As Seen In

Enjoy Great Sleep All Year Long

4-Week Pack

Try SomniFix for a month & see how your

life changes

x  28 NIGHTS

$23.99 USD

12-Week Pack

A season’s worth of blissful rest and

22% savings

x  84 NIGHTS

$71.97 USD

$55.97 USD

52-Week Pack

Our best deal. Enjoy a year of better sleep and

save 30%

x  364 NIGHTS

$311.87 USD

$219.97 USD

Try the 7 Night Challenge
& See for Yourself

If you’re still on the fence about this whole mouth-taping thing, we get it! That’s what our 7 night challenge is for. If you don't love your sleep in 7 nights, we'll give your money back – guaranteed!
