Nearly 40 million adults suffer from an anxiety disorder. But that doesn’t mean that anxiety should be left untreated. Anxiety is a common emotion we’ve all felt from time to time. However, chronic anxiety easily becomes disruptive, causing distress that magnifies worry. ...
We travel much more efficiently now than ever before. Air travel is by far the quickest mode of travel – so quick, in fact, that our bodies can’t always keep up. Jet lag, sometimes called jet lag disorder, is a...
Cold therapy has recently gained notoriety as yet another trending hack in the health and wellness world, much like red light therapy. It’s even been touted as a quick fix for taking the body out of “fight or flight” by...
Did you know that driving drowsy is often compared to driving under the influence of alcohol? When you’re tired, driving may seem like it’s not a very dangerous task. All it requires is sitting in one spot, keeping the wheel...
Ever wondered why you feel better after a nice long hug? Or maybe you’ve noticed that new parents soothe babies by swaddling them up tight. This soothing sensation has a name – deep pressure stimulation – and it plays a...
It’s customary in most cultures to share a bed with your sweetheart, but it may be seriously harming your sleep quality - especially if you have a different sleep schedule than your partner. According to a recent report, nearly one-third of...
Deep breathing has ancient roots as a centering practice across cultures. Since the dawn of time, breath has been seen as our life force. In fact, the English word “spirit” is derived from the Latin “spiritus,” which means “a breath.”...
Om… Meditation helps us recenter, recharge, and refocus our attention. However, meditation can also aid us in winding down, helping prepare us for sleep rather than overthinking at night. It’s no surprise, then, that the practice of meditation has more than...
There’s no feeling like a good stretch before bed. Stretching is a quick practice that anyone can do anywhere… and the benefits “stretch” across many aspects of life (pun intended)! A 2016 review of studies cites a link between meditative movements such...
Too little sleep is dangerous, while too much sleep is just as bad. Experts recommend an average sleep duration of between seven to nine hours each night to ensure a healthy lifestyle. So how can you balance the right amount every...