The following article was published on PopSugar, written by Karenna Meredith, on September 4, 2018. Mouthbreather. If we're talking sleeping styles, the familiar Stranger Things insult could easily be flung my way. I've always maintained a "comfortable" sleep position for...
As humans, we perform more optimally when we breathe through our noses compared to our mouths. This is even more important during sleep! The thing is, we cannot consciously choose to nose breathe while we sleep. But thankfully, mouth taping with...
Have you ever woken from a dead sleep with a horrendously dry mouth? Chances are you have. Or perhaps you’ve woken up with drool all over your pillow. Contrary to what you might think, these occurrences may be harming your...
The body utilizes countless automatic processes to keep you alive. You don’t usually have to think twice about swallowing, blinking, or breathing, for example. But what if we told you that giving your breath a bit more attention could make...
Our bodies are made up of intricate systems all working together to keep us functioning at our best. But did you know that your body produces a miracle molecule that plays a role in the function of nearly every organ?...
Breathing is an automatic action required for life that none of us really give much thought to. Breathing provides oxygen to cells and allows the body to release waste and carbon dioxide. But improper breathing can negatively affect the exchange...
Breathing is our life force. It fills your body with the oxygen you need to live while allowing you to release harmful waste, toxins, and carbon dioxide. There are two ways to get oxygen into your lungs - through the...
The keys to being a great football player are well understood. Speed, strength, agility, the ability to be a team player. But what if we told you there was a little-known way to give you an edge over your competition?...
Do people really sleep with a chin strap on? Snoring can be a serious point of contention in any relationship. If your partner snores, it can significantly hinder your ability to get sufficient amounts of quality sleep. This leads to sleep...
If you find yourself waking up tired after eight hours of sleep, you aren’t alone. Nearly half of all Americans report feeling sleepy throughout the day between three and seven days each week. Around 35 percent of U.S. adults say they sleep less than...